
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How To Fix “Temporary Ad Serving Limit Placed On Your Adsense Account”

If you have received email about "Temporary ad serving limit placed on your AdSense account", please don't worry. As you receive quality visitors, this issue will be automatically fixed but it is not yet known for how long it will take. The Google adsense team will continue to review your traffic by manually or automatically. What you guys can do is, you must continue to create quality content on your blog posts. If you want to share your blog posts on other social media, you have to share toward the right people/group. Don't unnecessarily try to boost your traffic by sharing toward any unrelated Facebook groups  or wrong people because this might result in invalid traffic.

I think the Temporary Ad Serving Limit has also happened due the new policy being updated. You must comply with the AdSense Program policies otherwise the further enforcement action will be taken. It is your responsibility to keep up to date with the AdSense Program policies.

Google wants to ensure the right traffic to the right people. If your website receive a lot of organic traffic, it's far better than paid traffic. However, if you have a particular niche or particular content, I think the paid traffic, like Google Ads can quickly promote or deliver the information to the right people. Never promote your content using any untrusted advertising sites.

So last, but not the least, please don't be panic. You can improve your traffic quality by creating good contents. Also remember not to get traffic to your blog/website from any unrelated content of social media. 

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